Welcome to Campbellsport - Sign
Work on the "Welcome to Campbellsport" sign (erected along Hwy 67 on the west side of the village) was completed in 2006.
The sign was conceived and designed by a special committee of the Campbellsport Area Chamber of Commerce. Both the CACC and the Campbellsport Lions Club made substantial donations to help fund the project.
The new sign could not have become a reality, however, without numerous private donations, especially of time and materials.
Special thanks to Jeff Rindt of Valley Hydro-Excavation, to Chuck Lichtensteiger and Cary Sabish of Chuck's Carpentry & Development, to Campbellsport Building Supply, and to Tom Weis, Jeff Paulus, Diane Clark, Mark Gruber and Bill Schill from the
Total actual cost of the project (excluding donated labor) was approximately $11,000.
Hopefully additional welcome signs can be added in the coming years!
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