
Residential Building Incentives
How to Apply
- When submitting a building permit application also complete the Residential Incentive Program Application and submit it to Campbellsport Village Hall
- Only building permits issued after January 1, 2022 for residential dwellings on existing platted lots are eligible for an incentive
- The permit must be for a single or multifamily construction
- Construction must be done on an existing platted lot in the Village of Campbellsport
- The incentive payment does not apply to additions, remodeling, or construction of accessory buildings/uses
- The assessed value of the single-family constructed improvement shall be greater than $150,000.00
- The assessed value of the multifamily developments (2+ units) shall be greater than $250,000.00
Program Award
- Incentives shall be issued to newly constructed single-family homes with an approved application from the Village Board, as follows:
- One percent (1.00%) of the assessed value of the constructed improvement for the first (1st) residential dwelling
- One and one-half percent (1.50%) of the assessed value of the constructed improvement of the second (2nd) residential dwelling
- Two percent (2.00%) of the assessed value of the constructed improvement of the third (3rd) residential dwelling
- An award shall not be granted until a Final Occupancy Permit is granted by the Building Inspector
- All awards will be issued after January 15th of one full year following the final occupancy being granted
- Awards made are also based on available funding
- An award shall not be granted if there are any outstanding charges or violations against the property
- The program is anticipated to expire in 36 months, but will be evaluated annually and may be withdrawn or extended subject to approval annually