Leaf Pickup
The village provides curbside leaf pickup during the fall season only. Leaves should be piled at the curbside on the terrace area and should NOT be piled in the streets! Leaves in the street clog storm sewers and can cause a fire hazard for parked vehicles.
Department of Public Works crews will begin vacuuming leaves each fall as soon as residents begin piling them at curbside. Leaf pickup services will continue throughout the fall season as weather permits. Residents should not expect leaf pickup to continue once snow starts flying. As winter approaches, village equipment must be made ready for snow plowing, and leaf-moving equipment will then need to be put into storage until the next fall season.
Please note that here is no leaf pickup in spring, so please do not pile leaves at the curbside during spring yard cleanup. Spring and summer yard waste can be taken to the organic dumpster, however.