FAQ For Driveway Permits

On April 11, 2005, the Campbellsport Village Board of Trustees adopted Ordinance No. 285 which states,


"No person shall construct or maintain any driveway across any sidewalk or curbing without first obtaining a driveway permit from the Village."


On August 8, 2005, the Campbellsport Village Board of Trustees adopted Ordinance No. 289 which replaces Ordinance No. 285.  The new ordinance clarifies language and establishes additional guidelines.


This ordinance is in effect and is being enforced! 


Following is a list of "Frequently Asked Questions" about the requirement for a permit for driveway construction within the Village of Campbellsport:


 Why was a driveway permit ordinance necessary?

This ordinance was needed so that minimum standards relating to driveway construction could be enforced.  Basic concerns relating to driveways include maintaining available on-street parking (within the Village of Campbellsport, individual properties may have as little as 60 feet of street frontage), providing adequate sight distance for vehicles entering or exiting driveways, and insuring that drainage along property frontage is maintained.  The Village also needs to make certain that driveways adequately accommodate sidewalks and that they do not interfere with utilities.

 How do I get a driveway permit?

Driveway permits are issued by the Village Dept. of Public Works.  Permit applications are available at the Village Municipal Center - 470 Grandview Ave.  Regular offices hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.  Permits should be obtained three business days prior to driveway construction to allow the Village to locate utilities.   A driveway permit sign will be issued which must be displayed in a visible location during driveway construction.

 How much does a driveway permit cost?

The fee for a driveway permit currently is $25.

 How long is the permit good for?

A driveway permit lapses after 30 days.  If your permit lapses before driveway construction has been completed, the Village will reissue a permit up to one time within a twelve month period at no charge.  

 Why is the permit only good for 30 days?

The Village will mark the location of utilities (mainly the curb stop - which is the valve used to turn the water service on and off) at the time a driveway permit is issued.   Utility markers are easily disturbed or obliterated during home construction, which is when most driveways are installed.  The 30 day limit is intended to reduce the chance of that happening.   

 Can I get a driveway permit at the same time as I get a building permit for my new house?

Driveways are usually not installed until near the end of a home construction project.  Since a driveway permit lapses after 30 days, it is generally not practical to issue it at the same time as a building permit.  Driveway permits are issued by the Village - not by the Building Inspector.  The Building Inspector will provide information about driveway construction requirements upon request, however.

 What are the basic "rules" I have to follow when constructing a driveway?

Only one driveway opening is permitted per property.  Maximum opening size is 26 feet.  Duplexes with adjacent garages sharing a single driveway are permitted to have an opening up to 32 feet wide.  The width of the driveway may not exceed the width of the opening at any point within the street right-of-way, unless sidewalk is present.  Beginning at the back edge of the sidewalk (the side furthest from the street) the driveway may exceed the maximum opening width.  Sidewalk must be constructed through the driveway if an approved plan for sidewalk on your street is available.  Check with the Village before building!   Click here to view and print details for driveway approach design in the Village of Campbellsport.  To view and print a copy of the actual ordinance, go to the Driveway Permit page. .

 I want to reconstruct my existing driveway. Do I need a permit?

Yes, you probably do.  According to the ordinance,  "No person shall construct or maintain any driveway across any sidewalk or curbing without first obtaining a driveway permit from the Village."  If you are replacing only the portion of the driveway that lies on private property beyond the street-right-of-way, you don't need to obtain a permit. 

 My old driveway opening is more than 26 feet wide. Can I rebuild it just like it was before?

No. Generally, if you are rebuilding the portion of the driveway that lies within the street right-of-way, the driveway opening must be reduced to the maximum width permitted by the new ordinance.  All other construction standards found in the ordinance must be followed as well.  (The Director of Public Works has been given some discretion to authorize minor variations when reconstructing pre-existing driveways that exceeded the current permitted dimensions. Generally, however, anything other than minor variations from the current standards require Plan Commission review and Village Board authorization.)

 How can I get permission to have more than one driveway opening, or for an opening wider than 26 feet?

Exceptions may be granted, but they must be approved by both the Village Plan Commission and the Village Board of Trustees.  Contact the Village Hall to ask about being placed on meeting agendas to have a request heard.  Note: The Zoning Board of Appeals does not have jurisdiction over the street right-of-way and cannot grant a variance for a driveway approach wider than is permitted by code.
Last updated Thursday, September 6, 2018 9:44:02 AM