Cemetery Database
Materials will be added as they become available.
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The USGenWeb Archives Project has begun photographing tombstones in some of the cemeteries in the Campbellsport area. Just click on the word tombstones to get into this site.
Buffalo Unity Cemetery
Eden Central – Odekirk Cemetery
Fond du Lac County Cemeteries
St. Martins, Ashford Twp.
Rauch, Ashford Twp. (has a bit of additional information, including obits)
New Prospect, Auburn Twp.
St. James, Eden Twp.
Odekirk, Eden Twp.
Rohlf, Eden Twp.
Empire Cemetery, Empire Twp.
Forest Cemetery, Forest Twp.
St. Michaels (Dotyville) Cemetery, Forest Twp.
St. Johannes Cemetery, Forest Twp.
Forest Union Methodist Cemetery, Forest Twp.
Mitchell Cemetery, Osceola Twp.
Waucousta Cemetery, Osceola Twp.
German Evangelical Reformed Church of Elmore (From R-064)
German Reformed Cemetery (Also known as Auburn Cemetery)
Entered on computer by S. Connie Halbur, January, 2005
Deutsche Bisch Methodist Kirche Cemetery
Dundee Cemetery
Gage Cemetery
Gudex Cemetery
Holy Angels Cemetery - Armstrong, Wisconsin, Osceola Township, Fond du Lac County
Posted June 11, 2013
Jersey Cemetery
Hakes-Childs Cemetery
Rauch Cemetery
Rohlf Cemetery
St. John's Cemetery, New Fane
Entered on computer by Diana Wichman, January, 2005
St. Kilian Catholic Church Cemetery
Entered on computer by S. Connie Halbur, December, 2004
St. Mary’s Cemetery, Eden, WI (From R-064)

St. Mathias Cemetery, New Fane
Sacred Heart Cemetery, Dundee, Wisconsin (F-42)
Posted January 11, 2010
Salem Evangelical & Reformed Church Cemetery, Town of Wayne

Sister's Cemetery (School Sisters of St. Francis) - Campbellsport, Wisconsin (F20)
Udpated March 20, 2007
Unidentified Burial Records (From R-026)