Sidewalk Snow and Ice Removal



The Village of Campbellsport will be supplying sand for residents’ use only. The sand will be stored at the cold storage building, located at the Waste Water Treatment Plant site, on Columbus PARC Ct. Please follow the arrows to the storage building. Sand for resident use will be clearly marked.


The gate at the WWTP will be open from 7 am to 3pm. 


Sand will be available Monday thru Friday.


Note:  Personal use/removal of the sand/salt mix from the sand boxes located at Village intersections will be considered theft, per Village Municipal Code Sec. 20-131.5. Sand mix in the boxes is to be used for the intersection and sidewalk approaches where each box is located.


Any questions, please call the Department of Public Works at 920-960-3060.


Per Village of Campbellsport Municipal Code, it is the responsibility of all property owners to remove from the sidewalk abutting their property all accumulated snow and/or ice within twenty-four hours after it falls. This also includes snow which may have drifted onto the sidewalk during the day and/or night or which may have been plowed or splattered off streets. This also includes handicap ramps and sidewalk approaches to the street.

If ice cannot be removed, it shall be at least sprinkled with a material to help prevent slipping.

Based on complaints and on observation of any such safety hazards, if any such property owner or occupant fails to remove such snow or ice from the sidewalks or at least treat the ice, the Director of Public Works or his designee may do so; and the expense of such removal or treatment shall become a special tax or charge against the property owner.





Last updated Friday, February 23, 2024 3:34:50 PM