Permit Requirements - Information Packets

Permit information sheets and application forms have been assembled into packets by the Building Inspector and are available at the Village Hall.

The cover sheets for these packets contain detailed information about the permit requirements for specific construction projects.  Permit applicants may wish to familiarize themselves with the Village's permit requirements by reviewing these documents prior to contacting the Building Inspector. The cover sheets can be viewed and printed below. 

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Remember... it's always wise to assume that a permit is required before starting any construction project.  Ask first!


Minor Repairs Examples: roof, siding, window(s)
Temporary Occupancy Permit (SAMPLE) This is a form that may be used by the Building Inspector to authorize temporary occupancy of a new home prior to the completion of all items required for the granting of an unconditional Full Occupancy Permit. Owners should review this form prior to beginning construction.
Last updated Tuesday, September 3, 2019 2:14:37 PM