The Roderick Reese Papers
¨ the early history of the area
¨ the history of its government, public services, and infra-structures
¨ religion and the history of some of the churches
¨ information on local people, their daily lives as well as out-of-the-ordinary events; short biographies
¨ history of health care in the area
¨ history of businesses, including some farms
¨ history of property ownership
¨ histories of groups and organizations
¨ local community events
¨ some vital statistics
¨ records of some cemeteries, including both public and privately owned cemeteries; history of the cemeteries
¨ geological history, especially relative to bodies of water and dams
It appears that the first step in Mr. Reese’s approach was to take copious field notes, often on yellow legal pad paper. Unfortunately, he usually neglected to number pages. On any given topic, he seems to have researched a number of different sources. Perhaps he hoped that each source would be able to provide some added detail. It is not surprising, therefore, that his notes contain a great deal of repetition, as well as a few discrepancies. There are often digressions from the topic; possibly the source interjected some distantly related tidbit.
Mr. Reese’s second step was to compile all of the information he had gathered about each specific topic. He drew up a list of 156 files, as well as a long list of persons and agencies which had contributed to his research. These lists can be found in folder R-110 in the Roderick Reese Papers. We have been told by relatives that he offered the completed work (or the proposed completed work) to some entity, but that entity did not wish to have it. We have also been told that this compilation may have been shredded.
Fortunately, Campbellsport Public Library did accept his field notes, which the library placed in a local history file. He had placed the notes in large brown envelopes. On the outside of each envelope he wrote what its contents were. Mr. Reese submitted these to the library between 1981 and 1986. The public has had access to them, and probably used them carefully most of the time. However, it is obvious that pages have been mixed up, or even lost. It was not unusual at this point for the label on the outside of the envelope to differ drastically from the actual contents.
When the Campbellsport Area Historical Society (CAHS) took on the task or organizing and listing the contents of these field notes in the Fall of 2004, it immediately became evident that most of the folders were in urgent need of preservation and processing so that the public, including persons who cannot come to Campbellsport to use the materials, could continue to have access to them. The Roderick Reese Papers are a rich source of information, but until now, there was no resource by which users could find out if there was any information on a specific topic, or where to find it. In order to preserve this rich resource, and to make it readily accessible to the public, a small group of volunteers, headed by S. Connie Halbur, retired archivist, took on the long, labor intensive tasks involved. Among the challenges were 1) pages were usually not numbered; 2) Mr. Reese used an old fashioned way of writing “r”, which can look like an “n” to younger folks (consequently, volunteers may have misspelled some words); and 3) Mr. Reese was a competent researcher, but not a good speller! At any rate, many of the folders can now be viewed online, on the Campbellsport Area Historical Society link to the
Written by S. Connie Halbur
R-001 History of Osceola Township: Waucousta Businesses and Churches
R-002 Auburn Census Data, Auburn Town Board Officials
R-004 Campbellsport Fire Department 1905-1978
R-005 Development of the Kettle Moraine Park

R-007 Baseball Teams
R-008 - Property Records
R-011 Poem History of Crouchville, New Cassel, Campbellsport
R-012 The Town of Ashford
R-013 Armstrong, Osceola Township, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, Our Lady of the Angels Catholic Parish -Armstrong
R-014 St. John’s Lutheran Church of New Fane
R-016 Plats of Public Schools of Ashford, Auburn, Osceola, and Eden (more)
R-018 History of Radio in Campbellsport, Obituary for Carroll Arimond
R-020 Community Dentists, Physicians, Veterinarians, Barbers, Lawyers, Optometrists, Chiropractors, Justice of the Peace, Automobile Agencies, Real Estate, Insurance Companies
R-021 - Village of Campbellsport Fire Department, Village Hall, Business Places, and Organizations
R-022 Business Places in 1910 from Fond du Lac County Atlas & Business People of Campbellsport Area
R-023 The Settlement of Ashford Station and Elmore – Its Business People, Doctors, and Church
R-024 Early History of the Village, by H. Wrucke - Present Businesses Traced to Origin, Some 50 Years, by Henry Weld - History of the Schlaefer Hardware Store Building
R-026 - Burial from unknown church registry; History of Ashford and Auburn Townships
R-029 Ashford History
From R-029 - Burial Records from the Church Register For Elmore Reformed Church1858-1888
R-30 History of Postal Services
R-032 - History of Utility Companies in Campbellsport Area; The Airline Railroad; Grocery Prices
R-033 - History of New Cassel, Number 3 (Index of assorted items)
R-034 Research Notes
R-037 History of St. Kilian Parish, St. Kilian
R-039 History of the Village of Campbellsport:Its Businesses and Business People, Buildings and Properties, Roads and Railroads, Mill and Dam, Churches
R-042 Index for Businesses and Business People of Eden and Marblehead
R-043 Births,Trinity Lutheran Dundee, Wisconsin , Book I 1878 – 1929
R-044 Book II Trinity Lutheran Dundee, WI
R-045 Trinity Lutheran Church Dundee, Wisconsin Death Register, 1881-1929
R-046 - Church Register from Peace Evangelical Church, Waucousta, Wisconsin
R-047 - Index of Individuals and Businesses
R-048 - Index
R-049 Index
R-050 History of New Cassel, Focusing on Legal Descriptions of Property; Brief Census Data
R-051 Business Places and Early Methods of Travel
R-052 (Index) Crouchville & New Cassel “History of Our Community”
R-053 Campbellsport History Index
R-054 Early History Village of Campbellsport
R-056 - Osceola Township: Property, Farms, Businesses, History
R-061 “Let’s Look Back” History of Crouchville (Columbus) School
R-062 Index of Biographies of Farmers and Businessmen, esp. Ashford and Auburn
R-069 Campbellsport Fire Department 1966-1967, Campbellsport Boy Scout Troop 719, Early Conservation Projects of our Area
Updated May 12, 2008
R-074 History of the CAMPBELLSPORT NEWS

R-077 Campbellsport High School First Year of Operation – 1910
R-081 - Immanuel Lutheran Church, Campbellsport, Wisconsin And Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Dundee, WI

R-083 - History of Area Schools
R-084 Beginnings of Education in Crouchville
R-086 Campbellsport Public Library
R-087 Insurance Companies, Chamber of Commerce...
R-088 The Kleinhans Business History
R-089 Yankow, Weld Accounts, other...
R-091 - History of Elmore – Ashford Station; Dr. Nicholas Senn; The John Senn Farm;Dr. Hausman; Jaeger Home & Appliance; Old Ironsides Corporation
R-095 History of United Church of Christ, Campbellsport
R-096 The History of the Methodist Church in Campbellsport
R-097 History of the Baptist Church of Campbellsport
R-099 Early Settlers of Ashford and Auburn Townships
R-100 - History of Early Settlers of Town of Ashford and Auburn T to Z
R-101 History of Early Settlers of Town of Ashford and Auburn K to S
R-107 Index for R-107
Added September 12, 2006